Profitez de nos remises exceptionnelles aujourd'hui !


Pour toute question ou demande de devis, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Nous sommes là pour vous aider rapidement.



Visitez nos magasins à Mérignac et Saint Médard en Jalles pour des réparations rapides et des ventes de smartphones, tablettes, PC et consoles.


368 avenue d'Arès, 33700 Mérignac


9h à 18h

Votre expert en réparation technologique

Nous sommes spécialisés dans la réparation et la vente de smartphones, tablettes, PC et consoles à des prix imbattables. Visitez nos magasins à Mérignac et Saint Médard en Jalles.

A workbench is cluttered with technology repair tools and disassembled electronic devices. Multiple laptops are open, and an overhead lamp provides focused lighting on the workspace. A backpack sits at the back, amidst a disarray of tools such as screwdrivers, a utility knife, and an organized box of small components. Various pieces of electronic hardware and circuit boards are spread out on the table.
A workbench is cluttered with technology repair tools and disassembled electronic devices. Multiple laptops are open, and an overhead lamp provides focused lighting on the workspace. A backpack sits at the back, amidst a disarray of tools such as screwdrivers, a utility knife, and an organized box of small components. Various pieces of electronic hardware and circuit boards are spread out on the table.